This one is being turned into a movie and I can't wait to see it. There were times when my heart was pounding, wondering what was going to happen next. I think I went through this one in a day.
This is the third title I've read from this author and I enjoyed it as much as the others. She uses the same foundations for her books, family, history, mystery but makes it new with each story.
I am still working my way through this one. It reads more of a what to do, rather than a story, so I don't feel the need to find out what's going to happen next.
I brought this to work with me to read during my lunch hour. It is sad. Well written and engaging, but sad. I can only do a little bit of sad in a day, so I have not eaten this one up as I would with other books. I think an hour a day of this book is plenty. Don't get me wrong, I think it's good so far.
This one I did not finish. I was very disappointed in this book. I had read Eat, Pray, Love last year and really enjoyed it. I was under the impression that this was the sequel to that. I was wrong. It is mostly a story of a very insecure woman trying to "figure out" what marriage is all about. Blech. You don't "figure out" marriage. I skipped to the last chapter, read the happy ending and skipped all the whining and questioning.
I almost forgot about this one! I mostly enjoyed this one. The look at Bhutan and the people was fascinating. The story of the author was confusing and not at all compelling. She would go off on tangents that had no real connection to what she had just been talking about. It didn't flow well in places. I think she should have just left out all the personal bits and stuck with Bhutan. She would dip into personal back story a little, but then back off like she was scared to go into it. She could have just left that stuff out and had a really interesting book.
I have a few more on my shelf that I'm hoping to get to soon, but time is running out....
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