My wonderful husband sent me to my parents for a week of Spring Break. Leaving the snow and cold behind, I boarded the plane hopeful that I would see a little sun and warmer temperatures. It's warmer, but not a lot of sun. In fact as I write this, it is snowing outside. I love it, but Mom and Dad are not as impressed.
Since I arrived, I have been on the go with little rest. Today has been a day of much needed rest. I had to break down and see Collin the Chiropractor, as my body is a little unhappy with the sudden activity, long days and new bed.

Tuesday I went to see Hunger Games. It was good, but I'm glad I didn't read the books. The movie made me sad enough. I had popcorn and about 2 liters of Pepsi, which I drank until 9 pm. The caffeine did not help me sleep. Early Wednesday morning, Mom and I went to Victoria to see my brother Mike.
I got a tour of his data center (he's an uber nerd, working for the Uni doing computer stuff. The exact job description I'm not sure of.) and it was pretty impressive. It was noisier than the T.V. versions that I've seen, and there was no one running around with guns. I think it would be a creepy place late at night. ANYWAY...

After the tour, we picked up his wife Tracy and headed to a yummy Thai restaurant. We tried getting some pictures of Mom with her eyes open, but it was hard. Then Tracy was back to the books, and the three of us headed downtown to walk around. I had a yummy cupcake that we walked 5 blocks for, and poked into some shops. It rained periodically of course, but the day was pleasant. Mom and I had a long drive ahead of us, so we dropped Mike off and headed back up Island. We stopped in Nanaimo for some dinner and another stop at Micheal's Craft store. It's an addiction really. We didn't get home until late, and it was midnight before I got to bed. Thursday was local shopping and running around.

Friday was Korean lunch with Mom (Dad was NOT interested) and then down to Nanaimo for some more shopping. I was very successful.

I have 2 boxes that I have to ship home on the bus, as my suitcase is small and it's just too heavy. Tonight is dinner with friends, an early Easter dinner. I love turkey when I don't have to cook it. Tomorrow I am hoping to meet up with Jaki and her family, maybe some bowling. Monday I have a meeting with the Mayor of Courtenay. I need to go home for a rest!
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