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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sick again

This week has been a total wash!  I finally went to the doctor on Monday after school and was ordered to stay home because of a serious infection.  This is the week of Halloween and I had all kinds of fun stuff for my kids to do.  Instead, they will have a TOC and not do all the great stuff.  My last experience with a TOC (last week) was terrible.  The man came by to meet me and see the classroom and I could tell almost instantly that he was in the wrong place.  He is a high school teacher and had never been in a primary room before.  He also did not seem to understand English very well and as I was going over procedures and routines, he had a glazed look in his eye.  I had planned (as I always do) in a very detailed manner, but when I got back into my class it was apparent that he had not followed the plan very well.  I will have to do some reteaching to make sure the kids understand the review I'd left in Math.  I am always nervous about leaving my class in the hands of strangers.  Some of my kids need the structure and routine and don't do very well without it.  I also try to prepare them for when I am not going to be there, hoping they will go easier on the sub, but I didn't get the chance this time.
I had thought I would get my classroom blog formatted and get everything ready to go, but I ended up sleeping the day away instead.  So much for all that extra work I was going to do on my sick days.  I guess there's always tomorrow.

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