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Sunday, October 24, 2010

PLC? I'm not sure

We had a Pro D day on Friday, my first at our new school.  I have to say that I was a little disappointed.  There were a few people missing as they had signed up for other things, so there were 8 of us in the library listening to an Action Schools presentation.  C and I had already done the workshop, but had cancelled our plans so that the school would have enough people to be able to get the materials and workshop.  While 5 of us were actively participating there were 3 people that sat behind with their computers on doing their own thing.  Two things about this bothered me: 1. It was just plain rude.  2.  We are supposed to be professionals and I found their lack of attention very unprofessional.  I often hear teachers complain about not being taken seriously, not being in control of their professional development and then I see instances like Friday and wonder.
It's funny that when we were hired, the outgoing principal had stressed that this school was really involved in collaboration and worked together as a team.  I haven't seen it-at all.  I have put myself out there, making myself available but nothing has happened.  A teacher on staff is struggling, but refuses to seek help other than to demand materials that I am using at the time.  I offered to get together, but she has been actually quite rude and insists that she can do it.  How are we to build a PLC?  Everything that I have read about building a PLC says there has to be trust, communication, leadership and direction.  At my last school most of those were missing, at this school, it all seems to be missing.  I find that even though we are all in the building, most of the time we are all doing our separate things and communication comes when there is a question about a rule or procedure. Now don't get me wrong, we all have a pretty good relationship, and there doesn't seem to be many conflicts.  There were a few heated discussions about some things, but afterwards it didn't leave any ill feelings that I could see.  There just doesn't seem to be a connection yet.   Beyond C's classroom, I have no idea what's going on anywhere else.  Hmmm how to effect change?  I'm not sure yet, but I'll get there. 

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