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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Project Life; Tired of it. (warning: a vent)

I know that it is really popular, and many people do it, but I am sick of seeing it everywhere.  I'm talking about Project Life.  When I first heard about it a few years ago, I thought it was a great idea for people who were busy or for people just getting into scrapbooking.  Since then, and especially this year, it's all I hear about!  I can appreciate a good system, and the projects are cute, but so many companies and designers have jumped onto the band wagon, that I almost gag when I come across yet another product or post about it.  What happened to layouts and mini-books?  There are so few out there and it's frustrating.  I subscribe to a lot of blogs, and I find myself flipping quickly past the ones about PL. 
And the gushing!  People that like the system REALLY like it and I think that's great, but the gushing about it is nauseating.  I like to listen to a wonderful podcast called Paper Clipping Roundtable, but when I see that it's going to be about PL, I skip that week.  I have tried, but the gushing and how they won't go back, it's so easy blah blah, just gets me every time.  I realize that I am fortunate and have spare time I can devote to the hobby, but I also like the creativity that comes with putting together layouts and mini's.  I have some favourite designers both paper and digital that I started following because of their style, but have started skipping their posts as well. 
PL is for people that want to just get the memory down for future generations or so that they can be "caught up"  and it's just not my style.  I like the looking for products, the kit clubs, the different papers and embellishments, all the "stuff" that goes into a good layout.  PL is divided page protectors, journaling cards and most of it in 3X4 sizes.  Everything cut up and stuffed into a pocket.  I know it works for some people, and I've heard the argument that people who didn't scrap before can document their memories etc.  Yay for them!  I'd still like to see some more traditional layouts and mini books about individual topics.  I can't be the only one, can I?

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