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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring is finally here.

Spring has finally come to the North.  We only have a little snow left in our backyard, although we seem to have a series of ponds back there now.  The days are getting longer with it not getting dark until about 9:30 or so.  It's nice, although sometimes I lose track of time. 
The kids have been all over the place this week.  Some have been testing their wings with some new attitude borrowed from older siblings.  My special 4-pack have been in fine form this week.  2 have made trips to see the principal, one cannot stop talking and the other is doing everything he can not to work.  It's been SOOO fun this week.  Enough to make me want to drink.  I didn't.  Yet.   Friday is here tomorrow.  Thank goodness.
I have been listening to books while I scrap which is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.  I listened to Ken Robinson's The Element.  I really liked it.  I'm pretty excited to be able to go to DC to see him this month. 
I also just finished listening to A Cup of Friendship last night.  A very good look at expat life in Kabul.  I found it very interesting, and the characters were believable, which I also liked.  I have a few books on the table this weekend, although I will be scrapping on Saturday so I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit them both in.  I am reading The Book Thief for our book club, I am not liking it so far, but we'll see.  I also have The Postmistress lined up.  I have found that making a list at Goodreads as helped me keep track of what I want to read and also it gives me lots of great ideas of what to read next.  I like easy. 
Around the house, we have been picking away at little things.  Mostly cleaning up inside and out.  I picked up two rose bushes last weekend and can't wait to plant them.  I am waiting though because the temperatures are so unpredictable.  I don't want to kill them right away.  We'll see.

Signs of life in my garden, my Bee Balm is coming back.

This is across the street.  The snow finally went away and these were underneath!  They were spinning and everything.

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