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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween is over... almost

Halloween.  That wonderful time of year when kids think of nothing except how much free candy they are going to get and the costume they are going to wear to get it.  That day is over for us, thankfully but now comes the really hard part.  Dealing with kids that have too much sugar running through their veins for the next 2 days. 
Ms Frizzle and the Magic School Bus
My class is really wonderful.  They are a very easy bunch to get along with, but I know for some the next couple of days is going to be hard.  Some will have candy pouring out of their lunch kits and won't really understand why they can't eat it all.  By Friday they will have eaten most of thier stash (hopefully) and then I won't have to deal with it for too much longer after that. 
This year, I convinced my wonderful husband to dress up.  He doesn't much care for Halloween.  I don't know if it's because of the face paint, scary costumes or what, but usually he takes a pass.  This year, he got in on the action. I haven't had a real costume in a long time and it was fun.  Being sick for the last 2 weeks dampened my enthusiasm slightly, but we finished our costumes at 11pm last night and had them ready for today.  It was a fun and busy day, and when we finally turned off the light at 8:30 we were both exhausted.
Last year, we spent about $70 for pumpkins for our two classes.  This year we asked for donated pumpkins, and I was pleasantly surprised.  We had 8 big pumpkins and 4 small ones come in for carving.  It was fabulous!  And the parent support I got was really great too.  I had 6 moms and an uncle come in to help carve.  It was great because I wasn't running around trying to get everything done myself and my classroom was pretty clean by the end of the day.  Whew! 

The big bummer about Halloween this year was the fact it was -15 at 5:30pm and got colder and there was 2 feet of snow.  We got 89 kids this year which was still pretty good, but last year we had over 100.  Still it wasn't windy, so our beautiful pumpkins stayed lit for the night.

Monday, October 22, 2012

On to Winter

or at least that is what it feels like.  We had a snow fall warning for Friday, our Pro D day and I really thought it would hold out until the afternoon.  Nope, we woke up to the snow falling.  It was also the day that I decided to jump into a session in another town an hour away.  Thankfully, my husband loves me a lot and drove me there.  We left after lunch, after hearing about a logging truck that had hit the ditch and closed the road for a short time.  We didn't feel like sleeping over, so we left as soon as we could.  It was a long drive back and the snow really hasn't stopped for that long.  It is now Sunday and it is still falling lightly.  No snow days for us, but it's nice to look at.  Unfortunately, we haven't got our Christmas lights up yet or the gutters done, so I guess that's not going to happen now.  If I'm lucky, the snow will melt and I can convince Chris to go up the ladder.  I have also managed to catch my first cold of the season, complete with aches and headache.  I've already planned for tomorrow.

On days like this;
 we do this;
 and eat stuff like this.
Hope you are keeping warm in your part of the world!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thank Goodness for Mothers!

The school year is in full swing and we are already facing our first reports home this week.  Along with the actual teaching in my day, there are also meetings about students, workshops to improve and accent my teaching as well as lengthy union meetings.  Fun times! 
Admist all this, my mom came for a visit.  She has been steadily filling my freezer for a week with baking and yummy food so that we can get through the winter.  Ha!  What it really means is that Mr. can eat yummy sweet treats and I have a few less dinners to make. 
The weather has been wonderful, and on Saturday I was able to walk around in a t-shirt and shorts (probably for the last time this year) while Mom and I toured around town.  It has been great having her here and I wish they lived closer so that we don't have to pack so much into a short time. 
Mom came to school for a day last week, and was a little tired by the end of the day.  I had her cutting and laminating for most of the day.  The kids were a little curious about her and I'll probably get questions about when she'll be back.  This holiday weekend, we traveled about looking at scrapbooking stuff, did some gardening and she did some more baking.  Weight Watchers took a hit this weekend for sure.  Mom cooked a wonderful turkey dinner for Sunday and we ate early so Mr. could play hockey comfortably later in the evening.  Today we went for a walk in the Community Forest, even though the weather has now turned cold and damp.  Mom snapped pictures of our forest so she can take them back and show her friends.  My dad called this afternoon to brag about how hot it still was and how he was headed to the lake for a swim with the dog.  I hope he gets a sun burn!
Hope you had a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

and I'm back!

Finally!  My little technology world is back in order.  I had to be home for medical appointments on Friday, so I was able to take delivery on my lovely iPhone.  I'd missed the delivery guy the day before, but he got here nice and early.  Yay!  My message box was full ( I forgot to tell people that my phone was trapped in a box), and it took time to reload all my stuff onto the phone, but I did a little happy dance in my living room after I sent my first text.

My second little piece of happiness is when I picked up my new KOBO.  It didn't work right from the time I got it last Christmas, and after a few quick emails, KOBO sent me a new one with return postage for my old one!  This process was WAY less painful than the one with Apple, and it will make me consider KOBO again when I want to upgrade.  So far it's working like a dream.

Hopefully from now on, my technology works.  Chris says that I am Cryptonite to tech :(  So far Mac has not crapped out (touch wood).
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