Thankfully there was no snow this week, which made my plants a little happier. I think I may have a pouting tomato plant, but we'll see. The sun has come back to the "John" and the temperatures this weekend have stayed around 20, even with the wind. Spring has arrived at last. With 13 or so days of school left it's about time.
This time of year for teachers is always busy. We have assessments to get done, data to get into the office, report cards to write and of course field trips to plan. Over and above the planning and teaching of our regular days. Even the kids are surprised at how quickly the days are going. It probably helps that many of them come in tired and the day blurs by them. That's a gift and curse living in the North, the long days. It's nice that there are so many hours of light, but the kids go to be later and later, making for a tired time at school.
This week was the busiest for me in a month. It seemed that everything that I'm involved in happened at the same time. I met with the Crafty Ladies, went to a Horticultural meeting, had wine and delicious appies with Kathleen on Friday and then baby sat Lily on Saturday. Very busy. Fun, but I wish it would have been spread out a little more.
I managed to get a few more things planted, I've decided to do some container herbs on my deck as an experiment. I've also been planting some seeds that I've hanging around, we'll see what happens.
My stack of books has been increasing, but I have not spent a lot of time reading lately. I am also trying to get some picture frames up on the wall, but that project has taken a bit of a back seat right now with all the school stuff that I have going.
Lily and me |
My chives and peppermint |
Plants I got at the plant exchange |
Chris trying to talk Lily out of crying |
From my tree out front |
My topsy turvy experiment |
The rose that I'm afraid to put into the ground |
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