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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We're almost there

The last week of school before a holiday is always hard, but this is Christmas!  It's even worse.  Especially with Christmas being only a week away.  The kids are high strung and excited, the teachers are exhausted and counting down the days.  Christmas Concert is tonight, and then we can take a little breath.  I know that most parents love the concert idea, but I don't think many know how much time and energy goes into putting on a "little show".
Anyway, I will be more than ready to hit the pub on Friday night, putting it all behind me.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Let it snow!

I was all ready to start December with enthusiasm.  On the first, we went for dinner with friends and on Sunday morning I woke myself up with the chills and it didn't get better.  The Flu had hit it's mark.  3 days later, I was able to make myself appear human again and make it into work.  Our class was supposed to start a few different projects, and we have made a lot of progress with them. 
At home, the decorating is mostly done, but not totally finished.  My cards have yet to go out, although I have collected a bunch of addresses, so those are on the list for tomorrow night. 
We have feet of snow, and I have to say, I can't wait for more!  It is supposed to warm up, which will be too bad because all the great snow we have will get yucky.  I haven't gotten out to ski yet as the temperatures have been so extreme.  We've been sitting at -30 something with windchill for most of last week.  I don't own all the fancy gear to be able to get outside in weather like that.  Good news is, we did see the sun for a few long periods today.  That's always nice.  I am really hoping to get out skiing this week, but it looks like it might have to wait until the weekend. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy December!

Today is the day that the self-imposed ban on everything Christmas is lifted!  I have been waiting all week for this day, and with the snow falling outside and all my decorations inside and warmed up, I'm ready to get started.  I even bought a new Christmas album this year.  Along with all the decorating I have two projects that I am going to try to do side by side this year.  One is December Daily and the other is Journal Your Christmas.  Of course I have things happening over in the classroom too, but today is not about work, it's about enjoying the weekend.  Besides decorating, I am hoping to get my Christmas cards into envelopes and ready to mail out on Monday and there's a few emails that I have neglected to return.  Christmas shopping almost done, I really don't want to be out in the shops today with the roads so bad.  It turns people cranky and they harsh my Christmas buzz.
Well off to decorate!
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